Allotment and Gardening Blogs

Deciding What To Grow

Now this is a tricky thought when starting out on an allotment as you do not know what success and how hard things are to grow.

One way that I learnt what to grow and what not to grow is just go into a gardencentre and look at all the seeds and select which ones you like. Obviously dont pick something you don’t like.

You can then learn from growing them to see which ones you will grow again. It’s good not to go mad in your first year and try and grow everything.

Also it is great to have a go at growing flowers, something I did not do in my first year.
The reason for this is they add a lot of colour to the plot, they will attract the bees and butterflies to your plot and they look nice.

I always make sure i’ve got some flowers on my plot. My vision eventually is to have probably more flowers than vegetables.

So when planning your plot next year – have a look at the flower seeds in the garden centre or on my website and try adding some colour to your plots.