How to grow radish

How to grow Radish

Welcome to our section on how to grow radish. Here we will give you a overview on how to grow them, how to look after them and the varieties.

Sowing and planting Radish

When to plant Radish

Radish can be sown from February all the way through to August.

Varieties of radish

White Icicle


Cherry Belle

White Beauty

French Breakfast

Early Scarlet Gold

Daikon Long White

Fire and Ice


Radish should not be planted all all the same time. They should be planted little and often.


Plant seeds approximately 3 cm apart this should then prevent the need for thinning them out. . If you are growing in winter they need thinning about 16cm apart.

If you keep the soil most this will make sure they have fast growth. It will also keep the roots fleshy and tasty. It will also prevent the roots from splitting


Radish need to be harvested when they are young to ensure they remain tasty.