how to grow spring cabbage
How to grow Spring Onion
Welcome to our section on how to grow spring cabbage. Here we will give you a overview on how to grow them, how to look after them and the varieties.
Sowing and planting Spring Onion
Spring Onion can be planted from March through to September.
spring onions
shallots (Australia),
eschallots, salad onions, J
apanese or Welsh bunching onions
scallions (US),
green onions (China) Planting
When growing Spring Onions they need sowing thinly about 1cm deep. They can be planted from March to September. They can be planted in rows about 12 cm apart so you can weed in-between.
If you are wanting to grow some for spring plant in the late of summer or early autumn. Once they are big enough thin to 2.5cm apart. Make sure you water regularly.
Lift the plants when the plants are around 16cm tall and the bulb is no more then 1-2cm across.