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An allotment or kitchen garden is great to have to grow your own produce, to try growing something new or using it just to relax in.
Every year I try growing something new which I have not tried before – sometimes for fun or just to try them to see what they taste like.
This year I grew purple cauliflower which did fantastic much better than the standard white variety. It also tasted delicious.
The only thing about growing your own plants is that sometimes every seed grows and you don’t want to get rid of them – if your like me. So I end up growing them all.
The only issue with this is that you end up with lots and lots of produce. So I end up giving a lot of it away. You certainly make your friends and family happy when you turn up with fresh produce.
Does anyone else end up with lots left over – or is it just me.
Each year I say i’m just going to grow what I need but that never happens.