This Year’s achievements on the allotment

Well this year has been a great year down on the allotment. Find out how we got on.
How we did this year…
This year started off really well on the allotment – on time with the plot and on schedule. We had a bit of a dip during the summer when I was moving house where I lost my tomatoes and cucumbers but all my outside produce did really well.
What was my success..
I had great success in my new produce I’ve tried which was purple cauliflower and pumpkins. These will defiantly be something I try again.
I also had success with my new apple trees which I planted two years ago they were full to breaking point. I had great success in potato’s, squash, rhubarb, beans, peas the list goes on.
What failed….
Obviously everything does not go to plan and like I said I lost my tomatoes and cucumbers. My sweetcorn did not grow tall this year and my onions did not swell. But when you get failures you try and try again. Every year does not have to be a success.
Where we go next..
Subscribe to my blogs to find out what my plans are for next year. Also feel free to leave a comment below and let me know your success and failures.